
The California Newspaper Microfilm Archive (CNMA) is one of the largest collections of newspaper microfilm for the Golden State. It comprises approximately 100,000 reels for titles published between 1846 and the present. The acquisition has been made possible in part through generous support from the Haynes Foundation the Ahmanson Foundation, Rivera Library at the University of California, Riverside, and the California State Library. You can search for titles and reels by clicking on "Search CNMA database". Please note that the database was assembled in large part after the film had been processed and sent to the storage units. Though most CNMA titles are represented, quite a few reels are missing. We strongly suggest you also search the California Newspaper Project (CNP). The CNP contains holdings for all CNMA films, though often it does not list the number of reels for a title. CNMA holdings in the CNP are listed as "UC Riverside: California Newspaper Microfilm Archive". For any questions about available titles or reels, please email

All the reels in the CNMA are master negatives.  As such, they may not be loaned, including through interlibrary loan, nor can they be reproduced in part. A master negative reel may only be duplicated in its entirety, either as a positive reel or a collection of digital images. To order reel reproductions or request more information, please email

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